Your term paper will be a five (5) to six (6) page research document on any topic related to American Government, Politics, or Public Affairs.Your paper must be in APA format, 12-point, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and should include no fewer than five (5) cited sources.The five to six pages do not include your cover […]
Archive for the ‘Political science’ Category
Part II: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens Presentation

This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6. Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

To what extent does the creation of the regulatory administrative agencies such as the IRS, FCC, FDA, EPA, OSHA, and the Federal Reserve Board challenge the idea of the President as a chief executive? What can be done to ensure the legitimacy of regulatory agencies? Sources to consider: a The Constitution of 1787, especially […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Step 1:Familiarize yourself with the video found here: Link to Who Leads Us? videoAND the website associated with the video, located here: Who Leads Us?AND the website of your Representative in the United States House: The US House of Representatives Step 2:After learning about Reflective Democracy across the United States it is time to learn about […]

In Federalist #39, James Madison argues that the Constitution of 1787 is partly federal, and partly national. Considering his argument, which historical interpretation of FederalismDual, Picket-Fence, Marble-Cake, New, or Competitivedo you think is most consistent with Madisons claim? Why? Sources I must use:1. The Constitution of 1787, especially Articles IV-VI.2. Madison, James. The Federalist #39.
Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsThis assignment is comprised of 2 parts, the first of which is due this week. Part II will be due in Week 7. In Part I this week, choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that wound its way up to the United States Supreme Court. If your state […]
Blog Post on a Recent Article

Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. For this blog post you will choose an event from the last three months involving U.S. political issues or policies related to one of the following: The U.S. President.Congress.Administrative […]
Response paper

Students will write two one-page single-spaced response papers on different assigned readings from the course. The purpose of the response paper is for you to engage in an in-depth examination of an academic article by summarizing and assessing its contribution. Each response paper will: Identify the central thesis of the articleSummarize key arguments or conceptsAssess […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer all Question 5-6 sentencesprovide scholarly sources plagiarism free work 1. What is the role of the courts in the National Security Enterprise? How are legal decisions impacting administration policies/ actions? 2.What are the strengths of Congressional involvement in national security policymaking? What are some of the weaknesses? Given the power wielded by some of […]
the formation of the separatist government in Ukraine’s Donetsk region

The film depicts the formation of the separatist government in Ukraine’s Donetsk region. Linking the film to the content from readings and lectures, which factors appear to be driving the separatist movement? Which factors discussed in the lecture and readings seem less important? Justify your answer with examples for the film.