Conduct a critique of a Denial and Deception effort of your choice. This critique will be your final Assignment. Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on […]
Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category
Climate Change

Climate change is a broad topic comprised of the physical interplay between the oceans, land, and atmosphere, and life and infrastructure on the planet. In the past 150 years, we have witnessed drastic shifts in global temperatures amid a swift rise in the built environment, industrial and technological advancements. The planet has lost about 70% […]

Relationship Between Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet Guidelines and RubricPrompt: Follow the directions in the Relationship Between Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet (linked in Module Seven of your course).RubricGuidelines for Submission: Submit your completed worksheet in Microsoft Word format.Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) ValueEngagement Worksheet is complete Worksheet […]

In this discussion you will discuss the humanities and contemporary culture and answer the following questions: How do you think aspects of contemporary culture have influenced the humanities and creative expression?What do you see as the main value of human creative expression for contemporary culture?Thinking about what you have learned about human creative expression and […]
Short answer

InstructionsIdentify an artifact that embodies or refers to ethical values, and write one to two paragraphs stating what the ethical connection is. Examples of such artifacts are provided in the resources this week, but they may also be found in literature, other forms of music, live performing arts such as theater, and other visual arts.
Orlando Nightclub Shooting-Pulse

Perform research to identify a disaster that has occurred and summarize the details of the disaster. Explain any challenges that were encountered during the response to your selected disaster that could be seen as a failure. Generate solutions with rationalization that could have helped in your selected disaster response to overcome failures.
Art Interpretive Evaluation Essay

Art Interpretive Evaluation Essay, you will view and evaluate the work of visual art presented in the Module Online Exploration. The painting is the “Self-Portrait on the Border Between Mexico and the United States” by Frida Kahlo. She composed this painting during a prolonged stay in the United States while her husband Diego Rivera was […]
Cyberspace Warfare

Select a foreign nation-state (not the United States) and describe a threat to that nation. The threat can be any of those discussed in this course (conventional threats, non-state actors, terrorism, insurgency, emerging threats, cyber, etc). Briefly provide a background of the threat, what it is, how the nation perceives the threat and how your […]
Positionally paper

Using our course materials and discussions to date, as well as the sample narrative posted on Canvas as an example, this paper asks you to theorize from your lived experience by reflecting critically upon your positionality and analyze it through an intersectional feminist lens. Your paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages double-spaced […]
discussing this experiment and the results

discussing this experiment and the results.Explain the behavior of the balloons referencing the charges.Explain how the distance and direction of John Travoltages finger effects the spark to the door knob.Dust in homes often clings to furnishings due to electrostatic interactions. Using principles from this lab and your reading, describe how you think the tiny dust […]