Please save the assignment as a word (.doc) document. Create a reference list that includes any and all sources you use to locate information and limit the speech to no more than two pages, single spaced. My name and the speech title must appear in the upper left corner of the speech. I will send […]
Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category

For this assignment, watch any speech on television or the Internet for about 3 to 5 minutes. As you view the speech, discuss what you see: Does the speaker make good eye contact, appear prepared, read from notes, connect to the audience, and generally look competent. What do you think the speakers intent is in […]
Informative Speaking

nstructionsWatch the video embedded below, focusing on the speaker’s use of informative strategies, presentation aids, and storytelling. Then answer the following questions. RequirementsIn your post, copy and paste the prompts below, then type in your answers.Write in complete sentences, paying attention to answer length requirements.Use visual organization (bullet points, white space, etc.) to make your […]
Museum Reflection Project

Museums are a reflection of the humanities because they collect and curate items that teach us about the human condition in a variety of cultural settings. To complete this assignment, take the following steps: 1. Read the following article: A History of Museums: “The Memory of Mankind” (Links to an external site.) 2. Pick any […]
Patton’s Ghost Army

Conduct a critique of a Denial and Deception effort of your choice. This critique will be your final Assignment. Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on […]
Human Services Case Study review

Please read the following case study in attachment and answer the questions below with AT LEAST 3 MEANINGFUL SENTENCES each: 1. What role did Charles Mitchell’s personal relationships play in how the scandal unfolded? Please elaborate and consider the implications of these personal relationships. (At least 3 thorough sentences are required) 2. What would you […]
Value of the Humanities

In your first post, introduce yourself to your instructor and peers. Share who you are, where you are from, and what your goals are for taking this course. Then discuss whether you agree or disagree with the ideas presented by Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on the value of the humanities. Explain why or why […]
Why is democracy so elusive in the Middle East?

Assignment: Answer the following question:Why is democracy so elusive in the Middle East?Format:The essay should be 6 7 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inchmargins.DO NOT use casual language (e.g., contractions), prose, cute metaphors, or generalities. DO NOT useunsubstantiated claims (e.g., claims without citations). DO NOT use long quotes.DO use […]
war-related art

Find one war related artwork in any medium, prepare a two paragraph long discussion comment of a minimum of 200 words. Include introduction of the artwork or landmark, description of the artwork or landmark, a personal opinion about the artwork and a minimum of one reference needs to include an image of the artwork as […]
Stories in Diverse Media

you will be required to write a 5-page analysis (1250 words, 1.5 or double spaced) in response to the following steps and specific questions listed below. Steps1. From the following stories, one of these narratives will be oral, the second written and the third visual. Read or listen/view each story carefully. **Written Narrative:**Visual Narrative: Charlie […]