Include sources Read: Blessett states “Whatever your reason is for being drawn to this profession, please consider that the work you do does not just affect you, but informs the interactions, impressions and expectations of public servants overall.” How do we reflect this goal in the day-to-day administration of a public safety organization?
Archive for the ‘Government’ Category
Program Outcome One Reflection

You will address each outcome individually in a 250 word reflection posted as a discussion topic. Reflections on the individual program outcomes will include: Your understanding of the concept; How you feel the curriculum provided you with the knowledge and skills to meet the outcome; What courses and activities in the curriculum addressed the […]
Need in 14 hours

For this assignment, you will need to select a policy (health, education, welfare, etc.) that has been implemented. Then, in 750-1,000 words, do the following: Describe the public policy instrument (law, public service, sanction, incentive, etc.) used to implement the policy. Explain whether the instrument was appropriate or not. Describe the characteristics of the environment […]
Sanchez Response

Public safety administrators have to deal with many different stakeholder perspectives. Their perspectives will be different because each stakeholder has their own interests. Citizen interaction has become a major part of law enforcements issues in todays policing. The citizens, whom are considered stakeholders of the public safety system, have a rather different perspective of […]
Watts Response

Good Afternoon Professor and Class, Why is the radically different stakeholder perspective in a significant issue challenging for the public safety administrator. – reflect on the current issues in law enforcement and citizen interaction? The cruxs of different stakeholder perspective on significant issues is not an easily solved problem for the public safety administrator. […]
Learning Activity 3

How is federalism defined in the textbook for this course and from which nation did the United States adopt the idea of federalism as its governing framework? Note: Your response should be a minimum of 50 words and include the citation of your source, using MLA style (including in-text citation). No part of the […]
Part 1 Identify

The first assignment is to identify a current administrative level issue or challenge facing public safety administration. It is expected that you will identify an issue, indicate how the issue surfaced, what history is connected to the issue, and a brief statement on how the issue should be analyzed. Parallel issues in other disciplines should […]
Public Safety Discussion 1

Wicked problems are characterized by the following: The solution depends on how the problem is defined and vice versa (i.e., the problem definition depends on the solution). Stakeholders have radically different worldviews and different frames for understanding the problem. Why is the radically different stakeholder perspective in a significant issue challenging for the public […]
DB Board

How does analyzing statistics contribute to the Christian Worldview? These seem to be unrelated so what do statistics tell us about the world? Each thread must be at least 500-700 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to two other classmates threads. Each reply must be […]

American Government I Week #2 Assignment Federal Budget Activity This week we learned about how laws get made by the legislative branch of our government. One of the biggest laws that regularly gets made by Congress is the Federal Budget.. The Federal Budget is a law that spells out how the government will spend […]