Case Study


For this first Exam One, you have a writing assignment: I want you to go back through the five theories we have discussed and read about to dateCultural Relativism, Ethical Subjectivism, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kants deontologyand a new one I am adding “rights and justice.”  You will think about these SIX ethical theories and respond to a dilemma in the book based on each of the six theories. You will read Case 3 in Chapter 3, starting on page 127 and going through page 133. It is called Canadas oil sands: most destructive project on Earth or ethical oil?   Your answers are based on this Case Study.

Read this entire case study and answer each of the five questions that come after this case study, on Page 132, numbers 1-5 in full. For Question #3, note that we have yet to cover rights and justice. For that part of the question, you will need to refer to pages 104-111 of your book and consider rights and justice as it is covered here. You will also answer that question based on a duties approachKants deontologyversus what you read about rights and justice in pages 104-111.  Finally, for either question 4 or 5, think of how oil sands relate to the Enron movie we just watched.  Tell me very briefly (i.e. in one sentence) how you draw comparisons or differences in the way these two business-related ethical dilemmas were handled and why.

You do not have to use each of the other six theories in every answer, but you do have to make certain you cover ALL six thoroughly throughout the Exam paper you are handing in. So if it were me, for instance, in Question 1, I would briefly outline each of the five ethical theories weve discussed so far and give examples of how/why the actors deciding what to do about this ethical dilemma would do A, B or C, based on their position from said ethical theory. When you define the theory, make certain you refer back to notes Ive provided you, particularly in Discussions and/or if youve handed in a longer response paper and I commented on that, clarified things for you.

When you answer all questions, make certain you reference our book and the page number or my lecture notes for your answer. For example, if I wrote, Immanuel Kant would want to make sure people were paid full wages. Otherwise, they might be treated as means rather than ends.  Kant wants people to be respected for their intrinsic value as human beings” (Evans lecture, September 13, 2019) or (Crane and Matten, 2016, p. 109), if it comes from the book.

Note that you should NOT need to reference any material outside our class notes, lectures, the book, or other links I provided you. For Exam Two (the final) you will, but not for this exam, please.

This paper will be no longer than three typed pages (single or double spaced, I dont care about the line spacing as long as questions are answered fully)

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