MY company is NIKE!!!! The project will be about a publicly traded company that you admire. The company must have a Corporate Responsibility Statement and Ethics statement available to the public. It does not have to be currently operating. You must gain approval from the instructor for your choice (week 3).
Your final project will be a paper about that company. The paper should be a minimum of 6-8 pages in length, typed, and double spaced (not including the cover, index, references or the appendix). The cover page should state the title of your project, your name, and the time and day that the class meets. You may insert pictures, clip art, graphics, or charts into your paper, but only if they further illustrate what youre writing about. These will appear in the appendix.
Here are the sections you will need to cover in your paper, in the following order:
What is the name and the Corporate Responsibility statement/Ethics Statement of the company?
What is the history of the company up through the present day? (Summarize major events and tell how those major events affected the company. This should include the good and the bad, ethical and unethical. A timeline may be a great way to show major events).
Write about at least 1 example that shows what you consider to be a socially responsible decision this company has made in the past or is in the process of making/considering today. What unethical actions have they been involved in and what was the outcome? What was the cause of the unethical actions and how was it resolved? What have they done to ensure an ethical organization? What style of leadership do the top leaders demonstrate? Make sure to tell why they made this decision (What prompted them to make it? What do they hope to achieve by making it? Etc). Also, make sure to tell why you consider this a good socially responsible decision, how they acted ethically, etc.
Write about at least 1 example that shows what you consider to be a poor socially responsible or unethical decision this company made in the past or is in the process of making/considering today. Make sure to tell why they made this decision (What prompted them to make it? What do they hope to achieve by making it? Etc). Also, make sure to tell why you consider this a poor socially responsible decision or unethical actions by the company.
Write about the good and/or bad effects that the current recession has had on the company. Provide examples. Discuss the culture of the organization, training employees receive in ethical actions, their global involvement, and any other topic that relate directly to the course.
Write a summary paragraph for your paper to wrap it up at the end.
Provide an APA formatted reference page listing all the references you used (websites included) in this paper. This does not count towards your page count.
Business Ethics