
Instructions: Select two from the following four essay questions listed below.

This final exam is done either individually.  For each of these questions, you are also welcome to use class activities and/or class discussions to provide examples of sample application.

Grading Criteria:

The grading criteria for this exam is based on both quantity and quality. Quality is defined by how well you define each concept thoroughly, give examples, and weigh the benefits and drawbacks not just with theory, but also with real-world examples. In the past very high quality answers are typically one to two pages, single-spaced 12 Times Roman font for each essay question and show a thorough grasp with explanation and examples – not just brief mentioning of concepts. You may include drawings and diagrams. However, be sure that you explain them thoroughly and not just reference them. For handwritten diagrams and drawings, you may pdf them and send them together with your final exam in one zip file.

Essay 1 (100 points): A critical aspect of our course is understanding how organizations have contended with the ambidexterity challenge facing companies today. As part of your answer, explain how companies have evolved through this challenge by explaining the differences between a Type I, II, and III organization. What assumptions do they hold? How do they impact profitability differently? Finally, when linking this to the CVF, explain where the Type I v. Type III overlap and what the other two remaining quadrants hold and their assumptions on effective organizational cultures and companies. Be sure to use a different example than those used in class and from your project.

Essay 2 (100 points): An important implication in the sustainability of organizations is how groups and teams impact performance outcomes. Discuss what the differences are between a team and group. How might they be affected by at least three cohesion factors and what are three to four benefits as well as three to four drawbacks of strong groups/teams. End by discussing and explaining how groups and teams evolve through the Tuckman Model and where we might find groups and teams in terms of our organizational archetypes (Type I and Type III).

Essay 3 (100 points): Discuss the differences among Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, Expectancy, and Equity motivation theories. How would you use these theories to motivate employee behavior differently? Be sure to provide specific examples of how you would apply and/or see these theories at work — for example in forms of compensation/benefits and/or performance management as discussed in class.

Essay 4 (100 points): Describe the difference between The Big Five and the Myers-Briggs personality measures. As part of your explanation, explain which of these two measures is empirically valid for prediction of future performance in a given job? What alternative measures or questions might you develop to test these dimensions beyond a survey? How might they contribute to the job analysis? Be sure to explain with examples.

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