I will post my classmates discussion for you to reply to once someone posts their response. Please reply in a separate document than the initial response to the Discussion. Please message me if you have questions.
Unit 2: Discussion 1
22 unread replies.22 replies.
You are required to post your initial answers by WEDNESDAY andyour follow-up comments on the postings of your classmates are due on SUNDAY at midnight.Please be sure that your comments to peers are substantive(see theGradingRubric below).You should have a minimum of two postings for each thread and you will need to answer any questions I might ask you.Make good use of the information in your textbook as well any resources you find online!Don’t forgetto correctly cite any source you use.
Points will be deducted for incorrectly cited references lack of referencesandmissed deadlines!The following rubric will be used to score your discussion postings. There are 10 pts possible on each Discussion topic:
Discussion Topic
When a plant grows the atoms used come from carbon dioxide in the air and water. Plants are able to accomplish this through the process of photosynthesis cellular respiration and biosynthesis of macromolecules.
BI101 Unit 2 Discussion 1-Respond to Discussion AND Reply to a classmates response.