Beauchamp Ethical Theory

Part One answer all of the following with clear, detailed essays.

What is the Friedmanite conception of corporate social responsibility, and how is it argued for?

What is the employment-at-will principle? Discuss Werhane and Radin’s criticism of the employment-at-will principle.

Provide an account of Arringtons analysis of the four central concepts at work in the debate over advertising and manipulation. What conclusions does he draw?

What is Bowies minimalist account of business obligations regarding the natural environment? Provide a summary account of Arnold and Bustos criticism of Bowies view.

Part Two – answer one (1) question from each sub-group with clear, detailed essays.


What is Freemans managing for stakeholders conception of corporate social responsibility, and how is it argued for?

According to Boatright, what are the difficulties facing the stakeholder position.

What, according to Werhane and Radin, are the difficulties facing the employment-at-will principle?

Provide a summary account of Epsteins defense of the contract at will.

Discuss Davis criticism of the standard view of employee loyality, and provide an account of his complicity theory.

What is Dushkas criticism of the standard view?

What is Holleys mutual benefit rule, and how does he employ it the debate over advertising and manipulation?

How does Brenkert analyze the concept of vulnerability, and what conclusions regarding marketing practices does he draw?

Provide a summary account of  Elliots criticisms of the marketing practices of pharmaceutical companies.

Proper reference to the reading material should be given throughout, whether paraphrasing or quoting directly (i.e. use footnoting, parenthetical citation, and/or in-context reference).

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