
Using the template from last week’s assignment, write an appropriate assessment for each course competency you created.
Ensure at least 1-2 of the assessments are problem-based and there is variety and/or choice in assessment types.
The assessment you select must be a culminating assessment that assesses the competency to the level described in the course competency. For example, if the course competency was to the “apply” level, the course may include assessment as the “knowledge” and “comprehension” level before the student can “apply the knowledge.” Only the final, culminating assessment at the “apply” level would be designated in this example.
Make sure the assessment aligns with the course competency in both taxonomic level and specificity of content. For example, if your competency is “students will be able to identify origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb,” an assessment of “matching quiz” is not specific enough. Make sure the content matches as well (e.g., students will take a quiz in which they will match the origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb).
After selecting these assessments, address the following:
Describe how and why this assessment aligns with the course competency, in terms of both using the appropriate taxonomy level to meet the specified course competency and being appropriate for course level being taught (undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior or senior levels, or graduate education).
Explain how you varied your assessments and/or provided choice of assessments.
Explain why some of the assessments are problem-based.
The paper portion of this assignment should be 2 pages, not including the references page, and follow APA guidelines. There should be at least 5 references

I need you to write about the information I have in the assessment art of the attached document.

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