Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reading What Makes a Great Leader and viewing the Nobel Lecture, identify two traits that illustrate Wangari Maathai’s leadership potential. How were those traits illustrated in her lecture?

Identify one trait which was not present (or minimally present) in the lecture and suggest a way to apply it in the speech.
In the concluding portion of this paper, evaluate how well overall Wangari Maathais lecture demonstrated the three selected elements of leadership potential.
Submit a 2- page case paper, (independent of reference page) double-spaced. Paper and all citations should be in APA format.
Assessment Criteria
Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:
Traits were identified that illustrate leadership potential
Trait that was missing was identified and there was a discussion as to how it could be applied to the situation
Overall evaluation and synthesis of the traits selected
Writing Clarity and Quality (including documentation and grammar)

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