Any topic (writer’s choice)

kindly, read the two questions below and answer them in a more critical way.

Pt 1: How does Plato define erotic love in the Speech of Aristophanes in Symposium? Using Sobles concept of the basis of love, explain whether the love in the Speech of Aristophanes is e-type or a-type. [Notice the instructions say explain. It is not enough simply to state that it is e-type or a-type. You must explain what that means.] How does Aristotle categorize erotic love in his account of the three types of friendship? Explain whether this love is e-type or a-type. Based on your reading of Sapphos poems, how do you think Sappho would define or explain erotic love? Explain whether the love she describes is e-type or a-type.

Pt 2: Aristotle says philia love is a state of character. Explain what he means by this. Next, explain whether or how Aristotles concept of a state of character could be applied to the concepts of erotic love in the Speech of Aristophanes and Sapphos poems. You may want to use Sobles concepts of the object, basis, and causal effects of love to help clarify points about each type of love. [This last bit is not required, but it may help you to think in terms of the object, basis, and causal effect.]

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