Any topic (writer’s choice)

answer ALL questions

1. Why is it important for OMB and the NSC to coordinate and work closely together in the preparation of the President’s annual budget?

2. What do you think are the best and worst outcomes to the budget deficit/ national debt crisis from a national security perspective?

3. The U.S. understandably has the world’s most dominant and capable conventional military force. How have threats today evolved to challenge that advantage which was designed for deterring or confronting near peer nation-states?

4. Give your thoughts on the Challenge! in Snow pg 73. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an All-Volunteer Military?  It has been said that, with the advent of the all-volunteer force, that the military has become more isolated with fewer citizens becoming exposed to military service. Is this a concern for our society? Why or why not?

As someone that served in the military, my thoughts are that I would prefer a military that has enough money to train a few as opposed to training everyone at the base level.  It important to have elite and weel trained fighters when someone is forced they’re just there ti check the boxes

Book for source

National Security by Donald M Snow

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