Any topic (writer’s choice)

5-6 pages double spaced APA, not including the title page and resources page.


During the recent state of emergency, there is a strong interconnection between the descriptive and the normative. The descriptive is about how we understand the world–e.g., what is the transmission rate of the virus; how long will the shelter in pace last; to what extent is the medical infrastructure of a local region prepared for a given amount of patients? But the normative has to do with planning, deciding, and reasoning through what people should do as a function of the current state of affairs. We discussed that there is a strong connection such that the descriptive can inform the normative. How we understand the scientific modelling informs what kind of heuristics we use–e.g., 6 foot distance rule.

Your task is to analyze a particular connection between the descriptive and the normative. Pretend that you are Sherlock Holmes, trying to track down, explain, and illuminate the the complex ethical-sociobiological machine. Write a paper where you present a clear analysis of HOW the descriptive determines normative human behavior.

You can touch on any aspects of the material from any of the authors that we have read so far, but I want this to be your own original point of view that is WELL-ARGUED and WELL-ILLUSTRATED with examples.

There are three very important general features that your essay needs to have:
1) It has to be specific. Do NOT talk in vagueness or in generalities. Make a precise point using your reasoning;
2) Your discussion has to be seamlessly integrated. In other words, stay away from a series of disconnected thoughts;

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