Any topic (writer’s choice)

Persuasive Essay Plan

The persuasive essay requires you to argue a position on a debatable topic.
You will support your position by conducting research, evaluating evidence, and presenting it in a well-organized essay.
This assignment is based on research. It is not simply a preference or an expression of your opinion. 
The goal is to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view by using reliable sources, statistics and facts, logic, examples, and expert opinions.
The essay should address an opposing view, and respectfully state why your position is stronger.

Three reliable sources are required to support your position.
Reliable sources include the Google Scholar

Choose one of the following Writing Suggestions or you may choose a topic relevant to your career or studies.  The topic must be debatable (have two opposing sides), research-based (use facts, not personal opinion), and relevant to your career. 

IMMIGRATION: Should the U.S. offer a path to citizenship/legal residency for illegal immigrants?
MINIMUM WAGE: Should the minimum wage be raised from its current $7.25 per hour?
ENVIRONMENT: Should the US support initiatives that restrict carbon emissions (or carbon pollution)?

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