Any topic (writer’s choice)


The discussion of the findings during an online meeting is worth 10 points, and the final draft of the paper is worth 140 points.
Select a low- or middle-income country that is of interest to you and will serve as the focus of your analysis. A list of potential LMICs can be found here:
For the case study:
1)    Summarize the political and economic situation in the country now and explain in what direction it is headed.
2)    Present the key indicators of development and an analysis of the limitations of the data.  Include at least 2-3 tables and graphs (not included in page count). 
3)    Prepare an analysis of the 3-5 biggest contributors to the burden of poverty in your country of choice.
4)    Drawing on the theories presented in class and class readings, prepare an analysis of the main development trends in the country.

5)    Prepare a policy recommendation for the country (to improve its development). 
Length: 7 pages, double spaced, approximately 1,200 words, not counting the tables and bibliography. The material consulted should be carefully cited.

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