Data preparation and data analysis
Task 1 (2 points)
Task 2 (5 points)
Using the data from your source of choice (Stukents, data mining/web scrapping, or gathered by your team with a minimum of 50 data points) describe the process of data preparation for analysis. Specify at least one technique of the statistical analysis that is appropriate for your research and how output from the software package you selected would indicate whether or not statistically significant findings are present. Demonstrate with an example by using the dataset you have developed.
Task 3 (5 points)
Interpretation of the results; conclusions and recommendations.
Note: Assignments 1 and 2 (revised, if needed), and the executive summary need to be included in the final report. For instructions on how to structure the report see module 13 lecture notes in Bb and Stromps chapter 9.
Expected length of Assignment 3: approximately 10 pages double-spaced in APA format, including assignment 1 (revised), assignment 2 (revised), the executive summary, and excluding cover page, table of content, and appendixes.
Any topic (writer’s choice)