Any topic (writer’s choice)

need quotes and works cited page from scholarly sources only. all works are either a play, story, or poem.


Compose a 4-5 page paper that incorporates a minimum of three substantial outside sources to assist with the development of a thesis connected to the prompt presented below.

You may not use Internet websites to gather info. However, you may use Internet-linked FLCC electronic databases that collect full-text articles from established magazines and journals. Of course books are also useful, so start your browsing early.

The paper must use MLA format and documentation (including a Works Cited page).

Please submit your assignment as an attached MS Word document.
The Prompt:

Choose one theme apparent in either Wit (play) or Death of a Salesman (play) and show how it compares and contrasts with a similar or related theme expressed both in one short story and one poem read this term. Of course be certain to offer direct quotations from all texts to assist you with the development of your assertions. Use research to enlighten significant concepts or ideas surrounding your chosen theme. For example if you elect to consider how the play and the related works present conflicting ideas about a specific psychological state shared by the characters, then perhaps you would want to look for articles that address related psychological issues or concepts. Or perhaps you might be interested in examining a specific social or political intersection among your chosen works. In this case, sociology, current events, or history articles might offer you insight.

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