Analysis of “Things Fall Apart”

You are required to compose a film/literature analysis on the story, “Things Fall Apart  download”. It should be well written, following standard rules of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several paragraphs. More information and the rubric are attached to this assignment.

To assist you in thinking through how “Things Fall Apart” applies to Organizational Development and Change Management, consider the following questions:

Okonkwo was willing to be exiled for seven years in punishment for inadvertently killing a fellow clansman. Why would such a dutiful follower of the clan’s way of life be willing to break the prohibition against suicide?
Is it possible Okonkwo felt he wouldn’t be seen as breaking a prohibition? How flexibly do members of the clan interpret their duties?
Is Okonkwo making a statement? If so, what is the statement about?
Did Okonkwo change during the course of the story? If so, how?
Achebe presents us with three choices: Okonkwo’s resistance, Obierika’s accommodation, and Nwoye’s joining the missionaries. What are we to learn from this story about choices and actions in the midst of change?
What fell apart?


Use APA format
Cover page
In-text Citing is required, because you are telling the reader where you found the information from
Reference page required. Cite ALL sources, including the textbook, in APA 6th edition format.
Papers should include a brief introduction and conclusion.
An introduction states what will be in the paper in a present tense
The body of your paper, which answers the questions that are assigned
A conclusion states what was in the paper in the past tense.
Use complete sentences, structured paragraphs and proper grammar/mechanics.
Use what you have learned in your weekly readings to help formulate your responses, link to the NTL Handbook, other materials given in class, and the class videos. In addition, feel free to use resources outside of your textbook to support your responses as well.

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