analyse for 30 articles that talk about (stakeholder)

paper will be about stakeholder according to ?public relations new approaches? course 1- I want to talk about stakeholder according to ?public relations new approaches? course that will be talked about stakeholder from the public relations image/ point of view. 2- research paper will be an analyse for previous literature ?just article? about ?stakeholder? . literature means that display every article which talked about ?stakeholder? idea. that will be with referring to every article as a website that i can download it. 3- previous literature ( articles) will be two sections, first one articles talked about the idea (stakeholders) in general . And the second is about articles that talked about the idea according to public relations as a specific field. 4- the explanation will be detailed. with important details in every article. in addition to i want to link article content with literature that talks about public relations and it?s role in the modern age. . 5- In the end of paper I want to mention detailed student opinion and what he understood and recommendations. details : 1- fast look about stake holder in general and mention the articles that talk about it . 2- according to public relations and mention to articles that talk about it in addition to talk about all the articles briefly course name is ? public relations- new approaches? NOTE::: references/ literature will be just ((articles)) that suppose to talk about ?stakeholder?. that course homework is about articles that talk about ?stakeholder? subject articles No. will be: 30 articles. ————————- The work will be like the attached file but i would like to link between the articles as a story , to match between articles contents that articles complete each other to create the literature .
there will be 30 source .. minimum

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