Final Research Paper

Throughout this course, we learned about exceptional learners and how to best provide an inclusive
classroom experience that embraces ALL learners. As an early childhood educator, you will be
expected to meet the daily challenges of educating and caring for children with diverse needs. Your
final research paper will provide an opportunity for you to apply all of your personal and professional
experiences and new learning in educating exceptional learners, birth to age 8.
Unit 2 – Selected Topic – Due Sunday of Unit 2 at 11:59 p.m. (5 points).
Select a specific disability or disorder. Some possible topics for your research paper are
Autism, Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disturbance, Speech and Language Impaired,
Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Orthopedic Impaired, ADHD, Dyslexia, Intellectual
Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Selective Mutism, and Separation
Anxiety Disorder.
After your weekly reading, especially Chapter 5 in the textbook, submit one topic you would
like to explore in-depth for your final research paper.
Unit 3 – List of Resources – Due Sunday of Unit 3 at 11:59 p.m. (15 Points).
Begin researching your approved topic of choice for this assignment. Submit a list of at least
three (3) scholarly resources that you will use in your project. Include a brief summary
(annotation) for each resource that you include. Be sure to concisely summarize the key
relevant points of each source and how the sources are relevant to your topic.
Unit 7 – Final Paper Submission Due Sunday of Unit 7 at 11:59 p.m. (100 points)
Content and Format: Your research-informed, written paper must include the following:
A. Etiology of the Disability or Disorder 4c
1. Define your selected disability.
2. Describe the causes or theory of your selected disability.
CHS 208 Teaching Exceptional Learners
Unit 7 Assignment Final Research Paper3. Identify the type(s) of assessment(s) used for meeting eligibility criteria for your selected
B. Educational Implications
1. Define and describe the learning and developmental characteristics of a student with your
selected disability.
a. Make connections to all developmental domains. 1b
b. Research and review literature (course materials and at least three (3)
scholarly/medical/research-based resources)
c. Research, select and view a videotaped observation(s) of a child with your selected
2. Teaching Strategies/Intervention:
a. Use your researched literature and observed video(s) to describe how you would
include a child with your selected disability in your classroom. Include classroom
environment, 2 developmental learning opportunities, adaptations, and assistive
technology. 5c
b. Describe a variety of observation and assessment methods — a minimum of two
each 3c:
Observation Examples: data collection including observation, anecdotal
records, running records, checklists, tallies, and teacher-made formative
Assessment Examples: Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), Brigance
Screen, Preschool Assessment Framework (PAF), Devereaux Early
Childhood Assessment (DECA)
c. Reflect and articulate the knowledge gained from data-driven decision-making
practices. 3c
C. Partnership with Families and Ethical Responsibilities to the Child:
a. Describe two ways to build home-school connections, learn from families observations,
and reciprocate effective teaching strategies in both settings. 2b
b. Engaging in informed advocacy for young children and the early childhood profession.6e
c. Explain how you would intentionally apply one ideal and one principle from NAEYC Code
of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment. 6b
Your paper must consist of 7-8 pages, including title page, abstract, sections A, B, and C, and
reference page.
Your completed research paper must demonstrate research using at least three (3)
scholarly/medical/research-based resources. Websites about your disability are not acceptable
unless you find and use specific articles found on the site. You must reference and cite your work according to APA. Follow all APA guidelines for formatting
and citations. All information that you learned from a source must be cited in the text and
referenced according to APA.
Title page (first page): Center other information under the title: Student name; CHS208; Post
University; Date.
Page numbers: top left-hand margin of every page after the title page.
In-text citation: give credit within the paper for any information that is quoted or paraphrased.
Review this example: In these studies, early childhood teachers report marked increases in
several areas of learning for all students, including disabled students and second language
students (Casey, 1994).
Reference Page: final page needs to provide further information about reference works. For
Casey, J. (1994). Integrating computers in the primary classroom. The Computing Teacher,
21, 33-36. Retrieved from
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and agai

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