The black power movement

For the first part, consider the following. One of the goals of this class was to study the unique set of events, circumstances and struggles that shaped the U.S. in the 1960s and 70s collectively known as the Black Power Movement from the viewpoints of historians, primary sources, and where possible, the oral history of those who lived through the history itself. In pursuit of this goal we read several texts. The first text, Black Power, was in many ways a primary source, because of the context in which it was written and the time, it is very much a historical artifact itself. William Van DeBurg’s New Day in Babylon, Farmers “Remaking Black Power”-also there is “Black Power” by Stokey Charmichael and Charles Hamilton. Very much both narrative histories written by professional historians. Lastly, we read Moderm Black Nationalism and Black Nationalism in America, compilations of primary sources (documentary history)–speeches, pamhlets, broadsides, manifestoes–eye-witness accounts as written by the people who lived it. Choose one of each kind of source. For each, identify the nature of the source. In other words, what kind of source is this (i.e. interpretive history, documentary history, oral history, narrative history, etc.)? Discuss the way in which these different kinds of sources enhance the history or take away from the history (in your opinion). Back up your assertions with specific examples about either the books strengths or weaknesses. Discuss the political or historical philosophy, attitudes or themes that the authors develop. You may also additionally consider some of the videos we watched. What critical insight does each work provide about the black power movement? Use specific examples.

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