
First, you all must answer Question 1 which is worth 10 points. The response to this essay question must be a minimum of 2 pages (not including the Work Cited page ), double spaced, font 12. Please submit an uploaded document.
Second, you may choose Question 2 OR Question 3 to respond to.  Each  of these essay questions will be worth 5 points. The response to these essay questions must be a minimum of 1 page (not including the Work Cited page) , double spaced, font 12. Please submit an uploaded document.
Total:  15 possible points for both essay responses.
Additional Directions:
Please write the number of the essay Questions 2 or 3 that you have chosen.
Please do not re-write the question, or if necessary, do so, but do not count this as part of the required page response to the question posed.
In writing your essay, be absolutely certain that 1) your essay specifically answers the question being posed; and 2) you deploy and refer to a minimum of THREE (3) of the courses required readings in the body of your paper in responding to the questions posed. To clarify, the textbook assigned to this course may always be used for each question, in addition to  THREE (3) of the required readings.
Please note: DO NOT use the same THREE (3) articles for each question. Each question should have 3 different articles that are to be used to answer the question: So 6 articles will need to be used in total for this final exam.
This course has offered students a minimum of 35 early childhood related articles to choose from in your responses to the exam questions. Choose articles that were assigned throughout the course. Please cite the articles used on a Work Cited page as the final page of the Final Exam.
Note: A lower grade will be assigned to work if a student fails to use the required 3 readings in writing their essays. The ability to deploy readings in your own written work represents one of the critical skills that this course has demonstrated: research and theory guides the practices used in educating young children and in supporting families raising their young children.

Essay Questions:
Question 1 (10 points) for All Students to respond to:
Review the Student Learning Outcomes listed below for this course, ECE 171:
Students will integrate their life experiences with what they learn about philosophies and theories of early childhood education.
Students will indicate how the strengths, contributions and needs of the child, family, and teacher are an integral component in creating programs.
Students will articulate the role of play as an integral part of the learning process.
Students will describe democratic classroom communities that promote social justice and awareness of diversity and its possibilities
Students will identify the NY State Core Body of Knowledge
Discuss what you have learned in this course, ECE 171, taking into account the above referenced Learning Objectives in a fully detailed essay in a minimum of 2 typed pages  (not including the Work Cited page) . Include a minimum of 3 (Three) references to readings in addition to class discussions, power points, guest speakers, and your own research.

Choose only 1 (One) of the following to respond to:
Question 2 OR Question 3 (5 points):
Question 2:
What do you think is the most important foundation of Early Childhood Education after taking this course?
Please discuss your answer fully in a detailed essay, minimum of 1 typed page  (not including the Work Cited page)  , including a minimum of 3 (Three) references to assigned readings in addition to class discussions, power points, guest speakers, and your own research from readings and class discussions.
Question 3:
Explain what the research suggests about early childhood development that supports the need for early childhood programs to be sensitive to the uniqueness of each child?
Please discuss your answer fully in a detailed essay, minimum of 1 typed page  (not including the Work Cited page), including a minimum of 3 (Three) references to assigned readings in addition to class discussions, power points, guest speakers, and your own research from readings and class discussions.

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