counseling skills

Sign into the online supplement to your textbook called Mindtap, go to Chapter 13 and click on the Video Activity tab to view the Closed Captioned Video Activity under Helper Studio: Sarah, Crisis Counseling.  Watch the video and then respond to Sarah’s questions by applying skills for crisis counseling. After watching the video, reflect on the following questions:

What would be your main struggle with how to respond to Sarah?
What would be your initial response to her situation? 
Which skills you have learned, i.e., reflection of feelings, summarizing, questioning , reflection of meaning, action skills, reframing, interpretation, etc. would you use in a crisis situation such as Sarah’s
Next – Choose Case Study 1 or 2 and Submit
Case Study 1: Will I be Fired?
Mr. Akira Abe comes to see a counselor. Mr. Abe is near 40, working for a large toy manufacturer on the outskirts of Tokyo. Producing new toys takes considerable creativity.

Mr. Abe is now afraid of losing his job because his recent proposal was rejected by his boss, Mr. Toyama, at an engineer group meeting. It was not the first time his new toy ideas had been ignored without much discussion. However, this time he knew that his idea was clearly the best of the several suggested. Mr. Toyama told him that his idea was too unusual even to be discussed. Mr. Toyama went on to say that the project team members had to work together in harmony and that considering his unusual idea might bring disharmony to the working group.

Soon after this meeting, Mr. Abe caught his boss in the corridor outside the meeting room and swore at him with anger saying that he would quit the company. However, Mr.Toyama patted him on the shoulder without any words and left.

Mr. Abe seriously wondered whether he should submit his resignation. He thinks he should resign before he is fired. But if he quits the company, he will not be able to find a new job and supporting his family will be difficult, especially considering recent changes in the Japanese economy.

Identify some of the cultural issues underlying this case and how might these compare to most issues in English-speaking corporations?
How would you respond to his reaction to Mr Toyama, and his pat on the back?
How do you reply to Mr Abe’s question if he should just resign?

Case Study 2: Part 1 – Confronting Family Values, Cultural Issues, and Depression
Mrs. M emigrated from India with her husband 20 years ago. They have three grown children. Mrs. M was referred to therapy by her primary care physician, who was worried about her depression and stress, caused primarily because her mother in India had just been turned down for a second green card and visa. Mrs. Ms mother had lived with them when the children were teenagers and had returned to India without renewing her green card. Mrs. M was alternately angry with her mother over her negligence and worried about how she could take care of her now.

How would you introduce the session? What are some guidelines for a first session?
Identify some of the cultural issues underlying this example and how might these be affecting Mrs M. emotions and stress? 
Case Study 2: Part 2 – Confronting Family Values, Cultural Issues, and Depression
Mrs. M proceeded to talk rather rapidly and intently about her mother and the history of what she saw as the problem. She had brought her mother to live with her when her children were teenagers. Her mother stayed by herself all day and never helped around the house, then she would follow the children around after school. Mrs. M and her mother had fought over the mothers not being helpful. She said she had asked her mother why she never said she loved her. Her mother had just shrugged her shoulders. Mrs. M said her own children had often complained that it wasnt fair to them for their grandmother to be such a burden to the family.

Mrs. M said that her children were now grown and very successful in their lives and tried to tell her to let go of the grandmother. Then the mother returned to India for a visit and let her green card lapse. Mrs. M could not let go of the mother because, as her daughter, she felt that she had to take care of her. Her religion and culture expected it of her, as she did as well. She had spent a great deal of time and money trying to get another green card for her mother, even though the mother didnt want it.

Using the various skills you have learned how would you specifically proceed with this situation?

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