Any topic (writer’s choice)

Imagine you are a teacher for a student who has been referred for a special education evaluation. The parent has agreed to the evaluation but is unfamiliar with IDEA and the IEP process and wants to meet to learn more about these topics.

Create a simple visual that summarizes the 12 key components of IDEA. This visual could be a 1-2 page handout, chart, brochure, etc. and should provide the reader with a clear understanding of key terms and processes associated with IEPs. Include IDEA citations relevant to each component.

The visual should address the following .

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Referral Process
Evaluation Process
Eligibility Determination
IEP Components
Parent and Student Involvement
Quarterly Progress Monitoring
Annual Review Process
Procedural Safeguards
Prior Written Notice
Related Services

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