
Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that tells readers who you are and what you have been studying (ACCOUNTING) and a conclusion that summarizes your analyses and main points. 

Your paper should address the following questions:

What were your most significant learning experiences  during your time here? Why?
Why did you select the artifacts that you included in your e-Portfolio? What do they reveal about your learning? (Included my  resume, cover letter, personal statement, educational life plan)
How do your experiences at college and artifacts selected for your e-Portfolio specifically relate to the WELL Program learning goals (See goals attached)
How do your learning experiences and artifacts specifically relate to the goals of your career path?
Of the things you’ve learned during your  experience, which two or three things do you most want to carry forward with you and how do these specifically relate to your artifacts?
What knowledge, skills and strengths are you developing in extracurricular and community experiences and how can you connect these specifically to your artifacts and to what happens in the classroom?

Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that tells readers who you are and what you have been studying and a conclusion that summarizes your analyses and main points.   
*Ive been working toward my bachelor degree in business of Science with a concentration of Accounting. I will be continuing my masters in ACCounting

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