Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Instructions for Annotated Bibliography #1: Gray Literature

1.  As of early 2021, mortality and morbidities caused directly by the COVID-19 virus continue to climb in many countries globally. we will explore what other, indirect negative health outcomes have been linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons learned from the pandemic response thus far.
2. To complete  Annotated Bibliography, search for gray literature (non-peer reviewed)
sources that describe or evaluate health outcomes indirectly related to the COVID-19
a. You are only required to identify ONE source relevant to the prompt from below!!!!!
b. Your literature search can be specific to a particular country (low-, middle- or
high-income), a region or analyses of a number of countries combined.
c. What do you mean by health outcomes indirectly related to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Open uploads for full instruction!!!!

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