In 1992 sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson published The Diversity of Life (selection in Fiero 510-511, and in a file under Final Exam Essay). In it he argued that Every country has three forms of wealth: material, cultural, and biological (Fiero 510). Several Postmodernist artists have produced pieces which examine aspects of the value of the earth and nature in general. In a formal essay, discuss how Chinua Achebes Dead Mens Path (Fiero 504-505 and reprinted in a file under Final Exam Essay ), and Ana Mendietas Tree of Life (Fiero 469 and posted under Final Exam Essay) address questions value in regard to the natural world as a source of wealth in any of Wilsons three senses. Do they share common themes and concerns about how ecological responsibility can be more completely realized in a changing world? How do their ideas about what creates a sustaining and mutually beneficial relationship with nature differ? How do these ideas reflect the styles and interests of the Postmodern? (See Fiero pp. 479-480 and the Review for Quiz 3). Address the topic in an essay of two pages double spaced in 10- to 12-point New Roman typeface.
Any topic (writer’s choice)

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