Nationalist Composers in Europe

Extreme Nationalism began in Europe 1840 -1925 and composers became heavily involved in aspects of patriotism and protectionism in support of their native countries.  These composers used their music to make deliberate statements about political difficulties their countries were facing such as foreign interference and domination, to invoke national pride among citizens, to showcase unique ethnic characteristics they were proud of, and to celebrate their county in the concert-halls of world.

Choose TWO (2) Nationalist composers from the list below, from 2 different countries, and thoroughly address the items about each one using the following format:

COMPOSER #1 ___________________________ Country___________________

1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);

2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved;  how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?  (20 pts.);

3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written;  what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts). 

COMPOSER #2 ___________________________ Country____________________

1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);

2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved; how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?  (20 pts.);

3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written; what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts).

Your Paper must discuss each composer separately and be divided into sections 1) 2) 3)  as shown above.

RUSSIA:    Glinka / Rimsky-Korsakov / Borodin / Tchaikovsky

POLAND:    Chopin / Moniuszko

CZECH REPUBLIC:    Smetana / Dvorak / Janacek

NORWAY:  Grieg

FINLAND:  Sibelius

SWEDEN:  Alfven

HUNGARY:    Bartok / Kodaly

ROMANIA:  Enescu

SPAIN:    Albeniz / de Falla / Granados

MEXICO:    Ponce

ENGLAND:    Elgar / Vaughn-Williams / Parry / Holst

USA:    Copland / MacDowell / Ives

When submitting your Research Paper,  DO NOT copy from Google. docs and attempt to paste directly into the Text Box!  The coding in Google. docs does not allow your text to “wrap” appropriately, and your assignment comes out with single line sentences that are 7 miles long! 

If you are using, please copy/paste from Google docs. into a program like Word Pad or Note Pad, and THEN copy from one of those into your Text Box space.  This process removes the code that prevents the text wrapping and your Paper will appear in normal and readable paragraph form.  Papers that do not have the proper format (“wrapped”) will not be counted.

All sources must be credited (any bibliographic format is acceptable, but MLA preferred) and all submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign & Turnitin.  Any papers found to contain plagiarized content will receive an E for failure (See MOD A Grading Policy and Course Syllabus). This assignment is worth 100 points.

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