Week 6 Primary Assignment

Note on Primary Assignments:
Each week you will submit a Primary Assignment. In many weeks, you can choose between two options for this assignment. Before you opt for which assignment option to answer, you will want to consider which option affords you the best opportunity to demonstrate learning based upon the assigned course materials. All Primary Assignments include a thesis statement, a bibliography (APA style), and the use and citation of three assigned reading articles from the current week and one assigned reading article from a previous week.

Engaged Citizen Hall of Fame
Learning Objective: Applying American Values: You apply the values studied by nominating to the Values and Service Hall of Fame, an individual from your personal life who, in your opinion, exemplifies them.

Throughout history, there have been women and men who exhibited exemplary behavior. We often look to famous people as role models and build statues or post plaques in their honor. Life is, however, full of often unheralded lives that have demonstrated positive values and engaged citizenship. Whether its Miguel Keith, an 18-year-old Hispanic Marine from Omaha who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery in combat, or the Civil Rights leader and Nebraska Hall of Fame member, Standing Bear, or perhaps someone you know, there are many role models in society.

This weeks assignment is to nominate someone you know to the fictitious, Engaged Citizenship Hall of Fame. For this assignment, consider the values presented in the assigned reading articles from Week 1 through Week 6. Compose an appropriate tribute arguing that this persons behavior exhibited one or more of the values examined in the course. If possible, include a photograph or some other appropriate image to represent the person you are nominating. Avoid overly hyperbolic or emotive attributes.

This Weeks Required Reading / Videos
Chapter 1: American Governance in Theory and Action, Bowdoin College, 2015

Previous Week Required Reading / Videos

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