6-1 Journal Entry

Journal: Public Health Communication Strategies


Please review the following in preparation for this journal assignment:

Website: Developing a Plan for Communication

Website: Promoting Awareness and Interest through Communication

Website: CDCs Repository for Health Literacy Resources

Guidance on Preparation

Identify public health communication strategies used on social media sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). You may find examples by reviewing the social media posts made by public health organizations (e.g., CDC, WHO, APHA).

Find examples of social media communication strategies meant for at least three (3) different groups or target audiences. You may find one post that strategically targets three different groups or three separate posts that have one target audience each.

Example of multi-audience social media post: City of New Yorks HIV-screening awareness campaign, called #BeHIVSure, on Twitter. There are three distinct audiences/groups targeted by this post: (1) gay men, (2) Latina women, and (3) Black men/women.

Other examples:
APHAs Press Release on Racism Discussion via LinkedIn (Health professionals were the target audience.)

WHOs HIV Prevention/Condom Use Campaign on Facebook (Gay men were the target audience.)


In 300400 words, compose a journal entry addressing the following questions pertaining to the example social media communication strategies that you selected. (NOTE: If you selected multiple social media posts be sure to address each question for each media post.)

Communication Need: What was the goal/purpose of the communication? Explain why communication is needed.

Audience: Who is the target audience(s)? Describe the intended recipient(s) of the message. (Note: Consider the type of social media site when analyzing the target audience.)

Strategic Communication: How did this communication strategy consider the needs and usual practices of the target audience(s)? Please reference examples from the social media post(s) itself (e.g., the images depicted, particular words used, etc.).

Health Literacy: How does this communication strategy consider the appropriate health literacy level of the target audience(s)? Provide an example(s) from the post(s).

Other Communication Channels and Media: Other than social media, how could the same message be communicated to the same audience(s)? Determine an alternative communication approach (e.g., news conference, pamphlet, etc.).

For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

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